Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)
Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.
Name | Year | Gender | Club | Category | ||||||||||
Team: Triathlo Moli [F. Matamalas, S. Bauça and C. Nieto]
Team: Cuanto Dices Que Falta? [C. Hernandez and N. Tarres]
Team: Fora Des Sembrat [M. Lopez, X. Garcia and J. Burgueño]
Team: Fast And Furious [R. Cruz, P. Pérez and C. Cano]
Team: Ses Paparres [G. Riera, G. Bauzá and S. Galmés]
Team: Los Tres [J. García, R. Ortega and S. Hoffmann]
Team: Daluse Team [S. Guerrero, L. Garcia and D. Sastre]
Team: Poc Poc Tira Tira [D. Truyols , J. Oliver and J. Tauler]
Team: Trestres [C. Estrany, C. Guerrero and X. Bisbal]
Team: C. Puigròs and J. Rossello
Team: Kimtonmi [T. Campaner , M. Coll and K. Matthews]
Team: Tercer Temps Equip 1 [M. Nebot, J. Jofre and R. Pinilla]
Team: Tercer Temps Equip 2 [M. Villalonga, A. Cañadas and M. Mesquida]
Team: P. Santandreu, J. Serrano and I. Antich
Team: M. Roig and I. Yañez
Team: Toni/Gabriel/Roger [R. Serra , G. Nebot and T. Llodra]
Team: C. Rollan, M. Santos and B. Ibáñez
Team: Laury'S Team [F. Martorell, M. Ximelis and J. Choueiri]
Team: T. Jaume, L. Garcia and M. Sanchez