Subida a la Bola del Puig Major 2025

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs

  • Datum: 05/04/2025
  • Cicloturista
  • Mallorca
  • Ort: Palma
  • Uhrzeit: 08:30
  • Angemeldete:
  • Limit: 31/03/2025 23:59
  • Organiza: Unisport Consulting J
  • Gebühren:
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federacio de Ciclisme de les Illes Balears

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Subida a la Bola del Puig Major 2025

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs



The cycle touring march "Subida a la Bola del Puig Major" is a 51,600 km race where all people over 16 years of age can participate.

Participation limit: 1,250 cyclists.

Date of celebration: April 5, 2025 at 08:30 h. with departure from Palma (place to be confirmed) and arrival at the Bola del Puig Major (top of Mallorca) at 1,445 m. above sea level.

Neutralized section. As a cycle touring march, a neutralized section is established at the beginning of the race with all participants grouped at the same average speed of 25 Km/h. from the start to the facilities of the Bomberos de Sóller (Sóller Fire Brigade) on the Ma-10 Km. 51,5.

Section of 29,3 km. controlled by the Guardia Civil de Tráfico. Participants must use the right lane. Overtaking by invading the other lane is not allowed in any case.

A grouping is established at the end of the ascent of the Coll de Sóller ascent with all the riders starting together from this point. Any rider who starts the descent without the group will be disqualified.

Start of the Timed Section: From the base of the Bomberos de Sóller (Sóller Fire Brigade) to the top of Puig Major. Control pass located next to the ACAR PUIG MAJOR - EVA 7 (barracks area), at the beginning of the second part of the ascent. Cut-off time: 12:00 p.m.

Services to the participant:

  •      Water, fruit and isotonic beverage at the top of Coll de Sóller.
  •      Water at the top of Puig Major.
  •      Commemorative race jersey.
  •      Final refreshments of the event at the EVA 7 ACAR PUIG MAJOR (barracks area).
  •      GIVEAWAY of a SPECIALIZED bike, sponsored by Specialized Mallorca.

To get it you must register for the race, wear the race jersey given to you by the organisers, finish at least one of the two timed sections, and comply with the rules established in the regulations regarding correct sporting conduct at all times during the race.

  To participate in the draw, the following requirements must be met:

- Participate during the entire march* wearing the commemorative jersey of the race.

- Finish at least one of the two timed sections.

- Comply with the rules established in the regulations concerning the correct sporting conduct at all times during the race.

- Not to have been disqualified for any of the reasons listed in Art. 20 of these regulations.

- To be present at the prize-giving ceremony.

*The control of wearing the jersey will be carried out at several points: Control of Signatures and places along the route.

Registration fees:

Online registration

-        70 € Registration + 2 € for the one-use chip, with a federative cycling license for EARLY registrations until March 1, 2025 at 23:59 h.

-        80 € Registration + 2 € for the one-use chip, with a federative cycling license for registrations from March 2 to 31, 2025 at 23:59 h.

*Online registration management fee is 0,90€ per registration.

If there are entries available, face-to-face registrations will be made at the bib number pick-up table on April 1, 2 and 3 (There will be no face-to-face registrations on the day of the event).

-        90 € Registration + 2 € for the one-use chip

*All participants without a cycling federation license must pay a supplement of 15 € per one-day license regardless of the day they register (“carnet ciclista” is not allowed in this race)

In online registrations, the amount will be added to the registration price. In the face-to-face registrations on April 1, 2 and 3, it will be paid in cash.

The mere fact of registering for this event implies the acceptance of these regulations and the waiver of all rights against the organisation, waiving any legal action that may arise from their participation in the event.

Registrations are considered final so, in the event of not being able to participate, only 100% of the amount paid will be refunded upon presentation of justification that will be assessed by the organization until March 1, 2025. From March 2, cancellations will not be accepted and the registration fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.

If for any reason, contrary to the will of the Organization: health pandemics, terrorist acts, climatic circumstances, traffic accidents or cuts in sections of circuits, denial of government authorization for any cause or pretext, etc., the race cannot carry out on the scheduled date, at the request of the participant, the Organization will refund 75% of the registration fee. The remaining 25% will remain in the possession of the organization to cover the management costs of each participant, such as bank fees, insurance, preparation of number or other expenses incurred for the registration.

Registrations are strictly personal and non-transferable, they cannot be used by anyone other than the person registered. In the event of not being able to participate or for any other reason, it is NOT possible to replace one participant with another, not even if you have communicated it to the Organization.

The formalization of the registration, bib numbers pick-up and chips will be carried out in SPECIALIZED MALLORCA - PALMA (c/ Gremi de Cirujans i Barbers, 27, Nord – 07009 Polígono de Son Rossinyol - Palma)

-        1st, 2nd April 2025 from 15:30h to 20:00h

-        3rd April 2025 from 11:00h to 13:30h and from 15:30h to 20:00h.

On Friday, April 4 and the day of the race, bib numbers will not be delivered.

To collect the bib number IT IS MANDATORY to present your ID card, passport or some identity document, in addition to the federation license, in case of having claimed to be federated.

If for any reason you cannot collect the bib number in person, you can authorise a third party by providing your ID (printed or on your mobile phone) and a screenshot of the federation licence if you have claimed to be federated.

All participants must wear, in a mandatory and visible way, the bicycle plate with the chip on the front of the bicycle. Any cyclist who does not visibly wear the bib number may be excluded from the route by members of the organization or by the forces of order.

The plate and chip are personal and non-transferable items. The registered person may only participate with the bib number that has been assigned to them and agrees not to allow other people to use it.

Time control shall be carried out electronically through the use of a chip. In the registration, each participant must pay 2 €, for the purchase of the chip. It is mandatory to use the chip in order to obtain the time of the timed section. Participants must pass the places marked by the Organization in the Sóller Fire Brigade, at the beginning of the second part of the ascent and along the Finish Line.

Male and female categories.

  •      Youth rider (16 years old in 2025)
  •      Junior
  •      Under 23
  •      Elite
  •      Master 30
  •      Master 40
  •      Master 50
  •      Master 60

The use of helmets and road bicycles is mandatory. Only mountain bikes are allowed to participate during the timed section, including electric MTBs.


  •      Diploma with the time completed (it can be downloaded from the website the day after the   event).
  •      Trophy for the first three absolute classified (male) and the first three absolute classified (female).
  •      Trophy for the first classified and first classified in each category.
  •      Special prize for the organization of the best time, male and female, of the ascent from the military base to the summit.
  •      Oldest participant (male and female) who completes the route up to La Bola.

The trophy ceremony will be around 13:00 h. at the place of the final refreshment, depending on whether all participants have finished the race.

The Organization will have, during the development of the event and on a permanent basis, a doctor and ambulance.

The organization will have mechanical assistance throughout the race. In the event of a breakdown, labor will be free, but spare parts will be borne by the participants. 

More info at



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